Welcome to Brewmist Kombucha

Terms of Use

Date Last Updated 01/01/2023

1 Internet platform: Brewmist

Brewmist Vital Foods, Lda. ("Brewmist") operates the online shop https://www.brewmist.com on the internet. You do not need to be a member to visit the Brewmist website. A user must not be a member to purchase products. A user must register to become a member [3]. You will receive personal information about impending sales campaigns via the Brewmist’s email service, provided that you have agreed to receive these emails. The prices shown on the website are final and include VAT. Freight costs will be shown separately in a manner simple and comprehensible to you.

2 Validity of the general terms and conditions

2.1 By declaring your agreement at the time of registration, you also declare your agreement with the application of these General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "GTCs"). These GTCs define the conditions under which you may use the services provided by Brewmist.

2.2 You can download, save and print these GTCs at any time via the "GTC" link on the Brewmist website.

2.3 The general terms and conditions of users, members and partners will not apply to any direct business with Brewmist , even if not explicitly refuted by Brewmist and/or if Brewmist provides services without objection. This also applies if the user, member or partner has prescribed a special format for filing objections. Deviating terms and conditions will not apply unless this has been explicitly confirmed in writing in advance by Brewmist.

2.4 The contract language is Portuguese.

3 Registration, termination and restriction of membership

3.1 Registration with Brewmist is free of charge. By registering you become a member. However, registration and membership do not give rise to any costs or obligation to purchase on your part. There is no legal entitlement to the conclusion of a contract as a result of registering or becoming a member.

3.2 The data requested during the registration process and during the life of the membership must be provided fully and correctly, including in particular a fully functional e-mail address, as a precondition for membership. Where the data provided to Brewmist changes, the member is obliged to update his account with immediate effect.

3.3 You may only register once as a member of Brewmist. Simultaneous registration of several membership accounts is not permitted. Any circumvention of these regulations is prohibited and may result in the termination of your membership by Brewmist.

3.4 Members are obliged to keep their password confidential and to prevent any unauthorized access to their member account. Members are obliged to inform Brewmist with immediate effect if there is any indication that a member account has been or might be abused by a third party

3.5 Brewmist will delete member accounts that have been inactive for a period of 6 months or whose holders can no longer be reached at the e-mail address stated.

3.6 Members can cancel their membership of Brewmist with immediate effect at any time free of charge. A cancellation may take the form of an email sent to customer services.

3.7 Brewmist can duly cancel any member's membership at any time, subject to a notice period of 14 days.

3.8 Brewmist may block, restrict or terminate a member's membership without adherence to this notice period if there is reason to believe that the member has violated legal regulations, the rights of third parties, these GTCs or the shop regulations. When choosing a measure, Brewmist takes into account the legitimate interests of the member concerned, especially whether there are any indications that the member is not responsible for the violation.

4 Conclusion of contract and reservation

The description of products and presentation of goods on the Brewmist website in the course of sales campaigns does not constitute a legally binding offer, but merely an invitation customers to order goods or services. There is no legal claim to the availability and deliverability of the products advertised. Sales campaigns are only directed at consumers, i.e. any natural person concluding a legal transaction for a purpose that cannot be ascribed either to their commercial or independent professional activities. Brewmist reserves the right in due course to make orders under sales campaigns subject to fulfillment of certain individual conditions. To order a product advertised by Brewmist, you must take the following steps: Place an article in the basket. Enter the delivery and payment information. Actively agree to the General Terms and Conditions and the Cancellation Policy. Send your order by pressing the "Place Order" button. By forwarding your online order, you are making Brewmist an offer to conclude a legally binding contract. By clicking on the "Place Order" button, you are placing a binding order for the goods in the basket, confirming that you are authorized to place such an order, i.e. minors must have the permission of their legal representatives. Immediately on receipt of your order, you will receive an automated email in which the receipt of your offer will be confirmed, thus concluding the contract. All goods remain the property of Brewmist until full payment of the purchase price has been received and all claims resulting from the sale have been settled. You will not be entitled to dispose of the goods before transfer of ownership. If third parties should institute claims for the goods, you are obliged to inform Brewmist immediately. If, before concluding the contract, Brewmist finds that the ordered product is not available, we will immediately inform you about this and reimburse any payments already received. If, after concluding a contract, Brewmist should find that the product ordered is not available as a result of late or incorrect delivery (including delivery shortfalls) by our suppliers (where Brewmist is not responsible), unexpectedly and despite the fact that we have concluded a contract for delivery of the goods in question with the supplier, we reserve the right to withdraw from the contract. In this case Brewmist will immediately inform you about the non-availability of the product you have ordered and immediately reimburse any payments already received from you. Brewmist is entitled to reject any offers made by you without citing reasons. Brewmist particularly reserves the right to reject an offer where: the delivery address is outside Portugal; the payment is not received, even after a reminder has been sent and a payment period stipulated.

5 Use of Brewmist

5.1 Brewmist offers the services solely within the framework of the acknowledged state of technology. Brewmist may restrict the services where this is required owing to capacity limits, the security or integrity of the server or to carry out technical activities to provide for or to improve existing services (maintenance work). For technical reasons in particular, it may sometimes not be possible to make full use of the services (unforeseen system failures).

5.2 It is prohibited to use the services in a manner that violates statutory obligations, the rights of third parties or public morals. It is furthermore prohibited to make use of the services in a manner that constitutes abuse or that may adversely affect the reputation of Brewmist. In particular, it is prohibited to use the services for the following purposes: to carry out and/or promote anti-competitive activities, including progressive customer recruitment (such as chain, pyramid or snowball schemes); to make use of content that is deemed pornographic or that violates youth protection laws or to advertise, offer and/or sell pornographic products or products that violate youth protection laws; to abuse our services by, for example, making use of malware such as "robot-reader", "spider-reader" or "offline-reader"; to upload content subject to copyright to our service, unless the user has the right to the use of such content or has obtained the required permission; to use Brewmist in a manner that adversely affects the availability of our services to other users; to disseminate offensive, racist or otherwise illegal content or information via our services, including slanderous or libelous content, irrespective of whether this content concerns other users, employees of the company or other persons or companies; to use photos with a defamatory, offensive, racist or otherwise illegal or immoral content.

5.3 Brewmist has checked and uploaded its own content on the Brewmist website to the best of its knowledge and belief. Brewmist does not generally verify the content published by third parties on the Brewmist website. Nor does Brewmist generally verify other websites that can be reached by clicking on the Brewmist website.

6 Conditions governing competitions, lotteries or campaigns

The following conditions apply to any competitions, lotteries or other campaigns (hereinafter referred to as "promotions") organized by Brewmist: The winners or beneficiaries are selected from all persons who have participated in the campaign and have fulfilled the requirements stipulated by Brewmist. The winners or beneficiaries are informed by Brewmist via the email address they stipulated at the time of registration. If the email contains the stipulation that the winner or beneficiary is obliged to contact Brewmist within a specific period to accept the prize, entitlement to the prize will expire once this period has passed if the winner has failed to make such contact. The prizes or benefits awarded as part of a promotion cannot be exchanged or paid out in cash. The participants in a promotion agree that, in the event of winning, their names will be mentioned on the Brewmist website and in other Brewmist services as well as in press releases. Brewmist may exclude participants from a promotion if they have manipulated the competition or promotion mechanisms by using unfair means or in violation of these GTCs. At its own discretion, Brewmist may punish such manipulations by excluding the perpetrators from membership with Brewmist. Brewmist reserves the right to cancel promotions or to extend them beyond the original period.

7 Inviting friends, product and sales campaign recommendations

7.1 Members can invite other friends to join Brewmist. Members also have the option of recommending sales campaigns or individual products to third parties by email.

8 Cupons e Gifts

The following conditions apply to Brewmist coupons or promotional gifts. Brewmist coupons and gifts can be redeemed for all products uploaded to the Brewmist website, unless redemption has been excluded from our campaign website. The purchase price of the ordered products must be at least equal to the value of the coupon or gift, unless otherwise stated at the time of issuance of the coupon.

When Brewmist becomes aware of the transfer of any coupon or gift, Brewmist reserves the right to declare the corresponding coupon invalid. In cases where Brewmist has indicated that the coupon is valid for new customers only, such coupon will only be issued when a person registers as a member of Brewmist for the first time. Brewmist is not responsible for the loss or theft of any coupon. Replacement coupons are only used when Brewmist is responsible for the loss of the coupon. Store regulations may contain other conditions or restrictions for redeeming coupons and gifts; alternatively, such conditions or restrictions may be indicated at the time of issuance of the coupon.

9 Warranty and liability

9.1 The warranty is governed in principle by the laws of the Republic of Portugal. In the event of a defect in goods you therefore have the legal right to have it remedied (delivery of non-defective goods), to cancel the contract or to receive a price reduction.

9.2 Brewmist’s liability in damages towards consumers is limited. Notwithstanding the nature of the loss or damage, liability in damages is excluded unless provided for in the contrary below. Brewmist only has statutory liability where you assert claims in damages that are based on intent or gross negligence, including intent or gross negligence on the part of our representatives or agents. Brewmist only has statutory liability where Brewmist is in breach of a significant contractual obligation. A significant contractual obligation for this purpose is one the fulfillment of which is essential to the due performance of the contract and on compliance with which you are generally entitled to rely. Brewmist also only has statutory liability in the case of culpable death, personal injury or damage to health; this also applies to mandatory liability under the Product Liability Act.

9.3 The same limits on liability in damages towards consumers apply to companies that directly or indirectly participate in sales campaigns contrary to [4], with the further proviso that liability in damages is limited to foreseeable loss or damage typical of the contract except in the case of liability for wilful acts or for death, personal injury or damage to health.

9.4 The aforementioned liability exclusions and limitations with regard to companies or consumers do not apply where Brewmist has given explicit guarantees.

10 Disclaimer

The user indemnifies Brewmist against all claims by third parties instituted against Brewmist for violating their rights or these GTCs, the shop regulations or laws. The user agrees to bear the costs of the necessary legal defense, including any court costs and solicitor's fees, as incurred. This does not apply if the user cannot be held responsible for the violation of the rights of third parties or for any violations of these GTCs, the shop regulations or any laws. The user is obliged to provide Brewmist with all information that may be required to verify the claims and to defend the case - immediately, truthfully and completely - in the event that a third party should institute legal proceedings. Any delays in the provision of information will be at the expense of the user.

11 Copyright and rights of use

The content provided by Brewmist is protected by the laws governing databases, copyright and trademarks. Such content may be neither copied nor disseminated nor used or copied in any manner whatsoever, without the prior agreement of the corresponding proprietors. This applies in particular to any copies made with the aid of robots, crawlers or other automatic mechanisms. Any use or modification of the services for purposes for which they were not intended is prohibited. In particular, copying or uploading of content, offers, directories, databases, etc. for commercial purposes is prohibited and will be subject to criminal and civil legal proceedings within the scope of existing legal options.

12 Concluding conditions

12.1 If individual clauses of these GTCs should be entirely or partially invalid or contain a loophole, this will not affect the validity of the other clauses or parts of clauses. In this event the parties undertake to enter into negotiations, with the aim of replacing the invalid clauses or loopholes with clauses that most closely approximate the original intention of the parties, while maintaining the interests of both parties.

12.2 Only the laws of the Republic of Portugal will apply, to the exclusion of the UN Convention on the Sale of Goods and any envoi to foreign law. As a consumer, any binding regulations of the state in which you have your normal place of residence remain unaffected.

12.3 If you are a merchant, legal person under public law or a special fund governed by public law or if you do not have your general place of jurisdiction in Portugal or in another EU member state, Espinho will be the place of jurisdiction for any disputes arising from this contract.

12.4 With the exception of shop regulations, no ancillary agreements have been concluded and any such agreements must be made in written form.

12.5 You can review the most current version of the Terms of Service at any time at this page. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to update, change or replace any part of these Terms of Service by posting updates and changes to our website. It is your responsibility to check our website periodically for changes. Your continued use of or access to our website or the Service following the posting of any changes to these Terms of Service constitutes acceptance of those changes.

12.6 Questions about the Terms of Service should be sent to us at hello@brewmist.com.